The scope of the Homework (in building a Blog) is to explore some sources for preparing an historical essay. If the aim of the text book Storia delle macchine is to browse three centuries of history of technology, the choice of a novel has the purpose to identify a scenario in where to search clues around the chosen theme.
Therefore if, for example, you choose "Technology and Cooking" and if you have selected the book Confessioni di un italiano by Ippolito Nievo, you must - first of all - READ the book and MARK the passages where you identify some connections with the technology matter.
e.g. In Chapter 1:
"la cucina di Fratta ed il suo focolare sono i monumenti più solenni che abbiano mai gravato la superficie della terra." MONUMENTO / MONUMENT
"oscuro anzi nero di una fuliggine secolare, sulla quale splendevano come tanti occhioni diabolici i fondi delle cazzeruole, delle leccarde e delle guastade appese ai loro chiodi" UTENSILI / TOOLS
"Là un fumo denso e vorticoso, là un eterno gorgoglio di fagiuoli in mostruose pignatte, là sedente in giro sovra panche scricchiolanti e affumicate un sinedrio di figure gravi arcigne e sonnolente." FUMO / SMOKE
So, these quotes identify some concepts that concern and define the matter, and its context (in this case the kitchen). They will be used to organize a sort of "concept map". After the complete reading of the book, starting from these "concepts", more connections and links can be extended.
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